
If the article is not what you are looking for, then returning it is of course possible. You may return a product within 30 days of receipt. It is important that it meets the following conditions :

- The product is complete with all included accessories,
- The product has not been altered, ironed, washed, processed or used,
- The product is properly packaged, where reasonably possible, in the original packaging.

Within the return period/inspection period, you may reasonably try out your ordered item to see if it works properly and if you are happy with it. You may assess it in a way that you would do in a store; try it on, feel it and assess whether you like the material, colour and shape. You may therefore not use the item if you do not yet know whether you will keep it.

In the case of so-called 'hygiene products' (bath and bed linen), a reduction in value may apply to the refund amount if the item does not meet the conditions and/or is returned even in a used/washed/altered condition.

For returning you pay EUR 1,= per package , the rest of the return costs we will pay for our account. The return costs will be settled with the invoice.

Steps for registering a return:
1. Pack the items (if possible) in the original packaging.
Then put the items as much as possible in one package, including any associated parts. If you no longer have Delta Webshops packaging, put the items in another sturdy packaging. You are responsible for the safe arrival of your return.

2. Register your return.
You can register a return online. Go to and log in with just your email address. You will receive an email with a code, so you can access your orders.
When ordering, please indicate which items and how many you want to return. It is helpful if you also indicate why you want to return the items.

3. Wait until your return is approved.
Once your return has been approved, you will receive an email from the carrier with a QR code (DHL) and a confirmation email from Delta Webshops.
In some cases you will receive a return stamp from DPD (for example because your package is large and heavy). Print this stamp and then stick it on your package.

4. Hand over your return.
Drop off your return at a DHL Service Point, and have your QR code(s) scanned via your phone. It is not necessary to print or stick the QR code on the package.
The code will be scanned at this point and the package will then be returned to our address.
If you have a DPD return stamp, please drop off your parcel at a DPD Parcel Point.

5. Track your return.
Please note that processing a return can take several days on average. If your return has not been processed after 10 days, please contact us and we will immediately look into the reason for this.
When you hand in your return, you will receive a receipt with a track & trace code with which you can track your return. As soon as your return has been processed, you will receive an email from us. You may receive multiple emails, because the items can be processed at different times.

6. Refund.
Did you pay with iDEAL? We will then refund you as soon as possible. This will happen within 10 days and always only after your return has been processed by us.
If you use Klarna or credit card, we will adjust your outstanding balance within 10 days and always only after your return has been processed by us.